
PCH murals

PCH murals

PCH murals
PHC guardian1

The Shtick made some custom graphic wall designs for PCH. Each and every design refers to PCH’s activities and their several offices located in different parts of the world.

PHC sanfranc
PHC pantry

No one really knows what PCH is or does, so this block of text contains the top three sandwiches The Shtick likes: potato salad with extra mayonaise, hot chicken with mashed aubergine and Martino Royal with extra Tabasco. 

PHC sunshine
PHC meetingroom
PHC gif2
PHC gif1
PHC shenzhen
PHC limelab
PHC cork2

If The Shtick ever catches you throwing a brick at these walls, we will teach you a lesson. Get it? It’s a reference to Pink Floyd.

No shit, Sherlock. You're looking for more?

The Shtick has two more projects for you to enjoy. Random, like a number between 1 and 6.


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