
Helmut Lotti

Helmut Lotti

Helmut Lotti
Lotti 23

Mijn hart & mijn lijf

Helmut Lotti – or de mutti as The Shtick prefers – made more career twists than David Lynch puts in his movies. For the first time, though, Helmut is being himself. Not an Elvis imitator, not a crooner nor a classical singer. 

The Shtick was asked to create a personal, warm design for the new album Mijn hart & mijn lijf. Not an easy mission if you know this is album 18 (!!!) and a completely new, daring turn on the long road he already took. No biggie for The Shtick, though, as warm and personal are his two middle names.

Lotti 43
Lotti 53

Mijn hart & mijn lijf is personal, vulnerable and reveal a Lotti nobody has ever seen before. Except for The Shtick of course, he knew de mutti was a sweetheart all along.

No shit, Sherlock. You're looking for more?

The Shtick has two more projects for you to enjoy. Random, like a number between 1 and 6.


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