Oscar and The Wolf
Oscar and The Wolf
When Max Colombie participated the Belgian preselections for Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2005, The Stick could smell the talent from a distance. Like Stanley Kubrick predicted iPads in his 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shtick foresaw world domination for little Maxie Waxie.
5 years later, when Colombie started his band Oscar And The Wolf, everybody was ready to embrace the sweaty electropop that brings them to multiple main stages across the planet. The Shticks prediction came true, once again.
Oscar And The Wolfs official trademark is sexy dancing, The Shticks trademark is creating sexy artwork. Perfect match.
Butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Want more?
The Shtick picked two more projects from the pile. Random, like twists in David Lynch movies.