
Hair- and make-up artists
Blonde is beauty and brains. As hair-and make-up artists, they can make the Shtick look good, even when he doesn’t. When they needed a portfolio website, The Shtick created an unconventional bunch of webpages with some fancy parallax scrolling and text stacked upon picture. A proper ‘DAMN’ is in place here.

Beside the website, The Shtick was held responsible for the branding of Blonde, resulting is the usual logo on a business card and a series of brochures used as teaching material in workshops. The Shtick is not responsible for creating little white pencils.

So you want to shine like The Shtick? I feel you. The link you are looking for is
The Shtick has a lawyer and he stated:
“Although the little pencils have a lot of resemblance to the Shtick – they are both attractive and sharp as hell – there is no clear evidence to proof my client has anything to do with it. Yet.“
Butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Want more?
The Shtick picked two more projects from the pile. Random, like twists in David Lynch movies.