
De Markt van Morgen

De Markt van Morgen

De Markt van Morgen


De Markt van Morgen (Tomorrows Market in English) is a place where young, talented creatives can show and sell their creations. From jewelry- and fashion- to interior- and graphic design, all is welcome. And so are you!

Because The Shtick is a barrel full of creative awesomeness, working his art for this was right up his alley.

marktvanmorgen flyers
marktvanmorgen mobile

A little insight by The Shtick:

If you take a close look at the patterns, you will notice they are based upon the letters from markt van morgen. 

This little insight is completely free of charge and free to use in any circumstance, both personal and professional. You’re welcome.

marktvanmorgen stempel
marktvanmorgen bag
marktvanmorgen remork

No shit, Sherlock. You're looking for more?

The Shtick has two more projects for you to enjoy. Random, like a number between 1 and 6.


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