CC De Steiger
CC De Steiger

A cultural institution such as CC De Steiger functions as a vibrant meeting point for culture lovers (and culturally appropriate drinkers). They serve a wide array of music, comedy, expositions and theatre for audiences of variable plumage.
Next to the typical cultural activities, they also present a selection of educational programmes for the young as well as for the older folks, like calligraphy, djembé workshops or even first aid classes.

For the youngsters, they aditionally focus on special events, such as a rock rally, a Dj battle and a street art festival called “Street Attack”.

For funky activities and events like these, The Shtick is willing to stop watching Dirty Harry movies and to start creating posters, invitations and billboards. Anytime.
Butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Want more?
The Shtick picked two more projects from the pile. Random, like twists in David Lynch movies.