



“A tomato is like a woman,” The Shtick once said, “it’s all about the shape and the taste.”

The time to overthink whether to agree with the mission to create a clear brand promise, market position and complete branding for a premium range of Tomabel tomatoes was less than the average Bad Religion song.

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The Shtick came up with Nova and there was a good reason for that: a new star was born. This new specialty high quality local product deserved a premium appearance to meet the expectations.

Before drawing or designing anything, there was a long road ahead, filled with strategic analyses, workshops and brainstorm sessions. The result can be found in a store or supermarket near you.

tomabel 04

The cut-out for the package was inspired by the shape of a tomato slice and customised for the 7 different types of Tomatoes within the Nova range.

No shit, Sherlock. You're looking for more?

The Shtick has two more projects for you to enjoy. Random, like a number between 1 and 6.


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